Sunday, December 20, 2009

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Climate change and hardiness zones

Here is another indicator of our changing climate:

Link to hardiness zones between 1990-2006:

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hello Lafayette from Copenhagen! As many of you know, Christine and I are in Copenhagen, Denmark. We had great aspirations of attending the Copenhagen Climate Conference which I'm sure you've heard all about on the news. We're trying to keep a blog going, however we (along with about 20000 other people) have been kept out of the conference due to the facilities being under-capacity. With sporadic internet access, we're trying to keep the blog updated. Check it out! Also, you can follow our twitter tweets here.

In other news, the city is absolutely gorgeous. We're staying out of trouble and following the conference as best we can from the outside. Don't take the ridiculous headlines that protests are getting brutal too seriously. They are, but in my opinion the protesters are asking for trouble. The NGOs should let the politicians and scientists do their job and try to follow what's going on without making the process more difficult for everyone. Honestly, getting in the way isn't going to give us a better treaty.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Here is some basic information about the CLEAR Act:

Link to CLEAR Act

Monday, December 14, 2009

Giant iceberg off Antarctica

This huge piece of ice has broken off the Antarctic continent and is moving north.

Here is a link:

Friday, December 11, 2009

What is cap and trade all about?

Many of you may have heard of cap and trade as a way to reduce heat-trapping gases and slow down climate change. It's one of the issues that are on the table at Copenhagen, and it's also being discussed in the U.S. senate right now.

So what exactly is cap and trade? Well, an entertaining cartoon called "The Story of Cap and Trade" has been making the rounds in emails and blogs that does a fairly good job of laying out the basics of what a cap and trade bill could look like, but it's definitely far from the full story. David Doniger from the Natural Resources Defense Council has gone into a lot of the details that the cartoon left out and commented on both Paul Krugman's (who won the Nobel Prize in economics and is a columnist at the New York Times) and Jim Hansen's (who is a top climate change scientist at NASA) thoughts on cap and trade. I highly recommend going through these articles and others that are written by experts in the field.

Feel free to add your own thoughts or links to articles on climate change legislation, too!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Copenhagen Climate Meeting

Today's the first day of a two-week long meeting on climate change that brings together leaders from around the world. President Obama announced that he will be attending the meeting, and if you're interested in getting more information, check out the conference's official website.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Open thread December

This space is for posting whatever you think needs to be read regarding our environment. Go to the comments section here and post a topic for discussion.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lafayette Environmental ?????

Lafayette Environmental Blog readers,

I am so glad that Nick Harby had the idea for this blog. I had been pondering it myself. I think we need a place where environmentally minded people in the Lafayette area can share ideas that are unique to this area. Ideas that relate to other areas in Indiana or the world are welcome, too.

As you can see in the sidebar, I linked my own blog, Citizen Green, to this blog. If you write a green blog and want it linked, just send me an email. Or, if you read some green blogs that would interest the rest of us, send those to me, too.

I changed the look a little. The photo is of this summer's Riverfest on the Wabash. Surely someone out there has a better of the Wabash. We could also rotate local photos. I hesitate to use one from Google because of copyright issues. If you have constructive criticisms, send them to me. I think that we do not need the word “Blog” in the title since this is a blog, but I could not come up with a creative word to substitute -- Lafayette Environmental ????? Any ideas? Send them to

Linda Anderson

Vote to Send a Citizen to Copenhagen

United Nations Conference on Global Warming is Dec.7-Dec. 18 in Copenhagen, Denmark. 10,000 to 15,000 officials from nearly 200 countries will come together to come up with some solutions for global warming.

A website called has been set up for all world citizens to voice their environmental concerns and hopes. Go to the Hopenhagen website and sign your name to the UN Climate petition. All of us world citizens need to let the world leaders know that we expect great things to happen at this conference. is sending a citizen journalist to Copenhagen for the climate conference as the Hopenhagen Ambassador. This citizen will represent the citizens of the world who are expecting world leaders to come to an agreement. The Hopenhagen Ambassador will write about events and issues in the Huffpost so that we can all keep up with the conference.

This is the important part. How does one become the citizen journalist for Hopenhagen? There is a contest where you can vote for the journalist of your choice. I am in a group of green bloggers called Green Moms Carnival and we have a nominee that we want you to vote for. Her name is Diane MacEachern, best selling author of Big Green Purse. View her video and vote for her IN THE NEXT 2 DAYS. Right now she is #2 and we feel with an email push, she can win. These are the steps to vote for Diane:

1) Please visit this link.

2) You will need to login to the Huffington Post web site or register if you are not already a member. You can also login using your Twitter or Facebook account.

3) Please rate Diane's entry with 10 stars.

As you will see, Diane also needs blogger endorsers. If you feel moved to write a post in support of Diane on your blog, please email the link to, saying "Here is the link from xxxx blog endorsing Diane MacEachern for the citizen ambassador to Copenhagen", along with the link to your post.

FACEBOOK? If you have a Facebook page or fan page, it would be great if you could mention the contest and provide the link so your friends and fans can vote as well.

TWITTER? If you're on twitter, we'd appreciate it if you tweet about the contest using #votehope and @huffpostgreen.

Voting ends in just two short days, on December 4, so Diane needs as much support from you, your friends and your readers right now as possible. Please help us send this deserving green mom to Copenhagen ( by voting now and spreading the word!

China at the Copenhagen Conference

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will attend the Climate Change Conference at Copenhagen.

China is the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases.

China announced a national target reducing carbon intensity by 40 to 45 percent from 2005 levels by 2020:

Xie Zhenhua will be at Copenhagen as China's special representative on climate change:

Another statement by Xie Zhenhua:

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Operation Free, Verterans for American Energy

Boiler Green Inititive are pairing with Purdue Student Veteran Organization to host a tour of Veterans on a program called Operation Free, Veterans for American Energy. They will be here to promote use of alternative energies in order to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and explain how reducing oil use is good for national security, troops' security, and climate change.
Boiler Green Initiative will be printing flyers, posting flyers, and making small double sided cards to give ideas on how to reduce personal dependence on oil.

The Event Information:
Operation Free, Veterans for American Energy
Wednesday December 2nd
Stewart 214 A&B
3:15-3:30 and/or 4:20-4:30 meet and greet on the lawn to get information to students.