Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
In other news, the city is absolutely gorgeous. We're staying out of trouble and following the conference as best we can from the outside. Don't take the ridiculous headlines that protests are getting brutal too seriously. They are, but in my opinion the protesters are asking for trouble. The NGOs should let the politicians and scientists do their job and try to follow what's going on without making the process more difficult for everyone. Honestly, getting in the way isn't going to give us a better treaty.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
What is cap and trade all about?
So what exactly is cap and trade? Well, an entertaining cartoon called "The Story of Cap and Trade" has been making the rounds in emails and blogs that does a fairly good job of laying out the basics of what a cap and trade bill could look like, but it's definitely far from the full story. David Doniger from the Natural Resources Defense Council has gone into a lot of the details that the cartoon left out and commented on both Paul Krugman's (who won the Nobel Prize in economics and is a columnist at the New York Times) and Jim Hansen's (who is a top climate change scientist at NASA) thoughts on cap and trade. I highly recommend going through these articles and others that are written by experts in the field.
Feel free to add your own thoughts or links to articles on climate change legislation, too!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Copenhagen Climate Meeting
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Open thread December
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Lafayette Environmental ?????
I am so glad that Nick Harby had the idea for this blog. I had been pondering it myself. I think we need a place where environmentally minded people in the Lafayette area can share ideas that are unique to this area. Ideas that relate to other areas in Indiana or the world are welcome, too.
As you can see in the sidebar, I linked my own blog, Citizen Green, to this blog. If you write a green blog and want it linked, just send me an email. Or, if you read some green blogs that would interest the rest of us, send those to me, too.
I changed the look a little. The photo is of this summer's Riverfest on the Wabash. Surely someone out there has a better of the Wabash. We could also rotate local photos. I hesitate to use one from Google because of copyright issues. If you have constructive criticisms, send them to me. I think that we do not need the word “Blog” in the title since this is a blog, but I could not come up with a creative word to substitute -- Lafayette Environmental ????? Any ideas? Send them to
Linda Anderson
Vote to Send a Citizen to Copenhagen
United Nations Conference on Global Warming is Dec.7-Dec. 18 in Copenhagen, Denmark. 10,000 to 15,000 officials from nearly 200 countries will come together to come up with some solutions for global warming.
A website called has been set up for all world citizens to voice their environmental concerns and hopes. Go to the Hopenhagen website and sign your name to the UN Climate petition. All of us world citizens need to let the world leaders know that we expect great things to happen at this conference. is sending a citizen journalist to Copenhagen for the climate conference as the Hopenhagen Ambassador. This citizen will represent the citizens of the world who are expecting world leaders to come to an agreement. The Hopenhagen Ambassador will write about events and issues in the Huffpost so that we can all keep up with the conference.
This is the important part. How does one become the citizen journalist for Hopenhagen? There is a contest where you can vote for the journalist of your choice. I am in a group of green bloggers called Green Moms Carnival and we have a nominee that we want you to vote for. Her name is Diane MacEachern, best selling author of Big Green Purse. View her video and vote for her IN THE NEXT 2 DAYS. Right now she is #2 and we feel with an email push, she can win. These are the steps to vote for Diane:
1) Please visit this link.
2) You will need to login to the Huffington Post web site or register if you are not already a member. You can also login using your Twitter or Facebook account.
3) Please rate Diane's entry with 10 stars.
As you will see, Diane also needs blogger endorsers. If you feel moved to write a post in support of Diane on your blog, please email the link to, saying "Here is the link from xxxx blog endorsing Diane MacEachern for the citizen ambassador to Copenhagen", along with the link to your post.
FACEBOOK? If you have a Facebook page or fan page, it would be great if you could mention the contest and provide the link so your friends and fans can vote as well.
TWITTER? If you're on twitter, we'd appreciate it if you tweet about the contest using #votehope and @huffpostgreen.
Voting ends in just two short days, on December 4, so Diane needs as much support from you, your friends and your readers right now as possible. Please help us send this deserving green mom to Copenhagen ( by voting now and spreading the word!
China at the Copenhagen Conference
China is the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases.
China announced a national target reducing carbon intensity by 40 to 45 percent from 2005 levels by 2020:
Xie Zhenhua will be at Copenhagen as China's special representative on climate change:
Another statement by Xie Zhenhua:
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Operation Free, Verterans for American Energy
Boiler Green Initiative will be printing flyers, posting flyers, and making small double sided cards to give ideas on how to reduce personal dependence on oil.
The Event Information:
Operation Free, Veterans for American Energy
Wednesday December 2nd
Stewart 214 A&B
3:15-3:30 and/or 4:20-4:30 meet and greet on the lawn to get information to students.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Green Drinks--December 1 Tuesday
Spurlock's Restaurant
721 Main St -- Lafayette
TUESDAY, December 1
6:30 pm Social Gathering
7:00 pm Guest Speaker
GUEST SPEAKER: Jon Guenin, Energy Efficiency Specialist, Purdue TAP
Jon will explain some of the available energy efficient technology, as well as the importance of energy audits to identify the most economical ways of minimizing your energy consumption. If you want to find easy, low-cost ways to reduce your energy usage, bring your questions, your appetite -- and of course, YOURSELF -- to the December Green Drinks, and discover all of the ways that you can save money and reduce your carbon footprint this winter.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Copenhagen diagnosis
Link to the Copenhagen diagnosis:
A decarbonized global society is proposed:
"If global warming is to be limited to a maximum of 2oC above pre-industrial values, global emissions need to peak between 2015 and 2020 and then decline rapidly. To stabilize climate, a decarbonized global society – with near-zero emissions of CO2 and other long-lived greenhouse gases – need to be reached well within this century."
That means at the least a complete stop to the use of fossil fuels.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Practically Green
Practically Green by Micaela Preston is a handy new guide to living green. It’s not very big but is full of a lot of useful information. Each page is beautifully designed so that there are lots of separated areas that capture your attention. Micaela has divided the book into six chapters that cover most aspects of our everyday lives. She explains terms, labels, current issues in a very understandable manner. Each chapter has helpful charts that summarize information. Eco-Alerts and Health Alerts are examples of sections that separate and highlight current concerns such as the problems with non-stick cookware. Eco-Spotlights bring our attention to new products and issues plus websites to find more information. Each chapter has a Do It Green section with instructions for recipes and projects that are eco-friendly. I’m going to try making the bag from an old tie.
In the “Eating” chapter, Micaela does a great job of explaining sometimes confusing terms like local, organic, certified human, etc. There are more terms than I imagined and she explains the differences and similarities between them. I found the sustainable seafood guide especially helpful.
The “Living” chapter has a discussion about products and materials that we live with everyday. The plastics guide summarizes the seven categories of plastic, which to avoid and which are safer. She includes instructions for eight green make it yourself projects like homemade play dough and cloth napkins.
Micaela explains in “Cleaning” how to clean the home with green products. She recommends some easy to find safe cleaning products and she tells which ingredients to avoid. In the Do It Green section she tells how to make your own cleaning products the inexpensive simple way.
Just as the house needs safe cleaning and care products, so do you. In the “Caring” chapter Micaela describes how to simplify and improve the hygiene products we use. She explains which ingredients to avoid and recommends safe alternatives. Moms will find the section on alternatives to disposable diapers helpful.
The “Wearing” section is about eco-fashions and earthy friendly fabrics. The Eco-Spotlights in this section suggest good websites to find eco-friendly fashions.
The “Conserving” chapter is about how to be a green consumer and how to get your recycling habits organized. The chart on “Where Can I Recycle That?” is especially valuable.
Micaela calls her book “Your Guide to Ecofriendly Decision-Making”. If you are already into living green, it would be a great reference to have on hand. If you have recently decided to live greener, this book tells you how to do it all. It would be a great gift for the holidays. I think it would fit nicely in a Christmas sock!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Keeling curve
Climate change can worsen public health
"Climate change is making Indiana warmer, raising the risk of kidney stones because of low urine volume linked to heat exposure, according to a study cited by the Harvard center. By 2050 southern Indiana will fall into the high-risk zone for kidney stones and by 2100, the entire state will."
All industrialized countries, except the U.S., already have plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It's time for the U.S., which has the largest per capita emissions in the world, to take action so please write to Senators Bayh and Lugar about the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act. For more info about the act, check out the Union of Concerned Scientists' website. They have an excellent summary and some good talking points too.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Bicycle pedestrian committee
Anyone interested there is another public meeting tonight of the WL Bicycle and Pedestrian committee
West Lafayette Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee
Improving West Lafayette for Bicyclists and Pedestrians
AGENDA for 6:00 PM Tuesday, November 17, 2009 Meeting
West Lafayette Public Library
Elm or Walnut Room.
News of developments since the last meeting:
Status of various ongoing infrastructure development projects
North Salisbury Phase II Completed
Projects under study and/or awaiting funding: Wabash Heritage trail extension, US231, Purdue Ring
Road Phases 1 and 2, Happy Hollow Road, Soldiers Home Road, Yeager Rd, Klondike Rd/Lindberg.
Update on Bike Ped Plan and Thoroughfare Plan at the Area Plan Commission – Transportation planning
Others news – by participants present
Open forum for problems and ideas for new actions
Project status reports, planning and brainstorming
• Web site being constructed for WLBPC –
• Presentation projects:
General presentation - Status report
Bicycle Commuting - Status report
• CLEAN City Challenge (IDEM) Project
• Bike share monitoring project
• Bike to Work 2010
• Incentives for Bicycle commuters
Green Roof
Newport Prairie at risk
Date: Sunday, November 15, 2009, 4:22 PM
The Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Authority is still accepting comments for
the Reuse of the 7,000 acre US Army Newport Chemical Depot in Vermillion
County.There is a 336 acre tallgrass prairie (with approximately 40 species of
forbs & grasses) that is according to the Division of Nature Preserves, "by far
the largest contiguous black soil prairie in Indiana". Wild pheasants and bobcat
(documented last Sunday), quail, Virginia rail, great egrets, grassland bird
species, turkeys, waterfowl thrive in the mosaic of prairie and adjacent
wetlands on the southwest corner of the Depot. The biodiversity here is
Currently the DRAFT Reuse Plan makes no provisions for preserving the prairie,
instead it leaves open the possibility of using it for "other agricultural
production" (pg. 87 of the Draft Plan) or for "business and technology". There
are already 3,375 acres designated for "business and technology" and 1,250
acres designated for "agricultural and forestry" in the DRAFT Reuse Plan. Currently there is already 3,000 acres of corn/soybeans on the Depot.
You can help, send your comments in to right now while there is still time!!! Comments are currently being accepted until the Public Hearing. Don't
think that someone else will comment for you. Comments can be short or long.
The Public Hearing is at 6:30 on Thursday November 19 at the Clinton Municipal
Building, 259 Vine St. Clinton, Indiana. Everyone is invited.
If you have any questions you may contact me at or
765/548-4007 or see .
Phil CoxINPAWS member and
Wabash Valley Audubon Society
For a photo of the Newport Chemical Depot Prairie go to
West Lafayette GoGreener meeting
How fast can we get to Chicago, New York, and beyond? What's the green trade off? Mass Transit is the focus of of WL Go Greener's November public meeting. Thom Davis, president of the Indiana High Speed Rail Association, Joe Krause, Amtrak and CityBus representative, Andy Tuholski from Repower America and a representative from Purdue Airport will each make short presentations and answer questions. Tuesday, November 17 at 7:15 pm, WL City Hall. Hope to see you there! Here is a link: |
Friday, November 13, 2009
So... what about recycling?
How might it apply to us as Greater Lafayette citizens?
Knowing more about recycling, what are your thoughts on whether or not recycling should be done?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Kerry Boxer Bill
Senator Lugar: (202) 224-4814
Senator Bayh: (202) 224-5623
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Copenhagen conference
Free stuff that could have been thrown out
here is a link to the story: